
Deaf U is a reality show that follows seven Gallaudet students: Cheyenna Clearbrook, Daequan Taylor, Tessa Lewis, Alexa Paulay-Simmons, Renate Rose, Rodney Burford, and Dalton Taylor. This diverse group of seven students, with differences in gender, sexual orientation, education, race, language and upbringing provide an up close and personal look at their college journey. Throughout the series, they show us their deaf college experience, they show the world our culture, diversity, and ASL vibrancy. Like many reality shows, Deaf U will spark conversation both inside and outside of our community, but Gallaudet University hopes that it will also help redefine society’s perceptions about deaf people and serve as a spark for healthy conversations and new opportunities.

Chief Marketing and Undergraduate Admissions Officer Brandi Rarus sent a letter and video to the Gallaudet community this week, ahead of the show’s release. University Communications has launched a dedicated website. Finally, there will be a series of panels to discuss the show, its production, and its themes. Be sure to tune in October 9!

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