
Gallaudet Research Expo 2018

Gallaudet Research Expo 2018 (RExpo 2018) will unite researchers and scholars, raise awareness of the many research studies underway at Gallaudet, and foster interdisciplinary research projects. Students, faculty, and staff from a variety of disciplines will have the opportunity to share ideas and showcase their scholarly pursuits and achievements.

RExpo 2018, which is hosted by the Provost and Academic Affairs, will take place during the fall 2018 semester. It will follow a different format from the two previous Expos. Even though RExpo 2018 will continue to be a showcase for research and scholarly achievements, it will primarily focus on the promotion and expansion of research across the disciplines at Gallaudet. RExpo 2018 will capitalize on the strengths of Gallaudet’s research areas, including education, linguistics, STM, interpretation and translation, neuroscience, computer science, audiology, psychology, and deaf documentary studies, that reflect Gallaudet’s research priorities.

In planning for RExpo 2018, the Office of Research Support and International Affairs (RSIA) is developing a series of free, one-hour workshops during Common Time to better prepare researchers (students, faculty, and staff) in advance of the event. Five workshops focusing on various forms of research presentation — videography, infographics, research poster design, research presentation skills, and four-minute practice presentations — led by campus experts will be held between February and October 2018 to help researchers prepare for and refine their presentations before the RExpo 2018.

RSIA wants to make available all of the necessary campus resources to present research studies effectively. Early-career researchers, in particular, should be aware that attending one or all of these will not only benefit them for RExpo 2018; the lessons they learn should prove invaluable for presenting at future professional conferences after they graduate from Gallaudet.

Participating in a RExpo 2018 workshop is a great way to provide opportunities for researchers to interact with their peers and learn from each other. They are open to researchers of all skill levels, and researchers are strongly encouraged to attend as many workshops as they can. Classes are also welcome to join, and Interpreters are provided. Most workshops take place at Merrill Learning Center, Library Auditorium, LCB111. The March 22 workshop only will take place at Merrill Learning Center, E-Learning Lab LCB220.

The workshop schedule is as follows:

VIDEOGRAPHY — February 5 -16, 2018

This workshop provides guidance in turning research data into a video that people truly want to watch. Students will have the opportunity to learn about available resources help in producing and editing video clips. Students will learn how to use storytelling and animation in sharing their data with such as Animaker software or any other software: ( or (


Interested in telling effective stories with data? Want to know how to remove clutter from your data? This workshop will teach students which visualization works best for their data. It will be hands-on, and work will be conducted on a simple example to help better understand data so that others notice the stories researchers have to tell. No prior computer knowledge is required. BRING LAPTOP, IF POSSIBLE.

INFOGRAPHICS — March 27, 2018

Whether working on a research poster or presentation, nothing tells a complex story faster than an infographic. In this workshop the fundamentals of data visualization and learn how to create memorable static infographics will be explored. Best practices for making infographics maximally accessible to sighted and non-sighted audiences will be reviewed, as well. Enhance communication by making data and research maximally accessible!

RESEARCH POSTER DESIGN — April 9 – 20, 2018

Students will learn how to design professional research posters that include a blend of brief text summaries with tables, graphs, pictures, and other visual formats. Discussions will include how to determine the most important/interesting/astounding findings from a research project that should be featured on the poster; the best way to display visual research through charts, graphs, or images; what kind of information students can convey during a talk that will complement the poster; and most important of all, which software is best to use for poster design and template.

RESEARCH PRESENTATION SKILLS 101 — September 17 – 28, 2018

Students will learn tips and strategies on how to deliver an effective presentation. Discussions will include how to prepare slides to emphasize the main points of a presentation — what information — and how much — should be given, the right amount of technical depth to go into without confusing the audience, and proof that the research worked or warrants further study). Students will also learn how to choose the right words, and the proper use of signs and fingerspelling, for their final presentation.

PRACTICE PRESENTATION FEEDBACK — October 30 – November 1, 2018

A practice presentation will take place three to five days before the Research Expo. This is only for students who are accepted to RExpo 2018. Students must be prepared to treat the practice presentation as though it was the final event. They must prepare appropriately, paying close attention to timing, using simple language with clear signing and fingerspelling, making their message clear and understandable to a general audience, and presenting at the right pace — neither too fast or slow. Students will receive critical feedback from bilingually trained faculty and staff. The Research Expo interpreters will be present to observe and perhaps practice voicing.

For more information, please email Senda Benaissa, RSIA senior research associate/international academic coordinator.

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